Doctor - Teachers help you to learn - your classmates help you - colleague also do it.
Engineer - You will be trained carefully within 5 years by top PhDs, Professor...
Trader - You start by yourselft, no a real teachers, no classmates, no colleagues...
ONLY and ONLY Yourself

What happen @everyone if you also do the same as Engineer ? Only start by yourself.
You need to do the research like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton .....
They spent whole life for science.
But, you is not smart and great like them definitely.
That WHY you have to FIND a SCHOOL to learn like a University...
You need to have .... Teacher, classmates , colleagues to help you.
That's first mindset. Don't wast too much time to learn by yourself.
Knowledge are always available, time is limited.
That's my mindset to learn any new major outside now.
Learning on University as Engineer , you may need to pay 50k$ totally for 5 years.
But you only can earn 500$ per month after graduation and save 3000$ per month.
It means you need to work around 17 years to be BREAK EVEN.
But, Trading is totally diffirent. It is hard to success.
BUT, When you able to earn money. That's so BIG, Someone call it as "Unreasonable secret income"
So, I hope this sharing useful for you.